This is a tool to make profit and loss calculations easier for people who trade with Sui.
As cryptact does not yet support Sui, you have to upload your transactions using a custom file.
But creating custom files manually was too much of a hassle, so I automated it.
There is no guarantee of quality. Since it only generates a custom file according to the type of transaction you selected, there is no guarantee of accuracy. Please be sure to check the generated custom file yourself. If there is anything missing, please upload a separate custom file. Of course, there is no guarantee of profit and loss results or tax returns, so please use at your own risk.
クオリティの保証はありません。ご自身で選択した取引種類にあわせてカスタムファイルを生成するだけなので、正確性等の保証もありません。 生成されたカスタムファイルを自分で必ずみてください。 何か不足などがある場合は別途カスタムファイルでアップしてください。 もちろん損益結果や確定申告の保証もありませんので、自己責任でご利用ください。