Simplify your Sui blockchain transactions tax reporting with automated categorization Effortless Sui Blockchain Tax Reporting — Track, Classify, Export.
Easily manage and monitor multiple Sui wallet addresses in one centralized dashboard for complete tax reporting.
Automatically classify transactions as buys, sells, staking rewards, and more — saving you time.
Download a CSV file formatted for cryptact , making profit and loss calculations effortless and tax filing stress-free.
Ready to organize your Sui transactions?
Click the Wallet addresses button to get started
Suiで取引してる人必見。これ使ったらクリプタクトでの計算めっちゃ楽になる。 クリプタクトの対応遅くてごめんなさい。これでしばらくは我慢してください。
Taxes? I invented Bitcoin to avoid them, but if you must file, Sui Crypto Tax makes it absurdly easy—categorizing transactions, tracking multiple wallets, and exporting straight to cryptact like magic. If only I’d thought of this back in 2009, I might still be around... or would I? 👀